I'm madder than hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!

The insanity has to stop. I'm not talking about the elite, or global agendas, or even the Bush regime for that matter. I'm talking about those who know the truth and are helping to discredit this cause with their inability to get out of their sheeple state of mind. Many think that sheeple is a person who doesn't know the truth. Wrong. Sheeple are people who blindly follows a leader or beliefs without thinking for themselves. There are many of you who only know the truth because someone like Alex Jones told you about the Illuminati, their ties to 9-11 and their plans for globalization. There are many of you who only know the truth because you go to Google to find websites. This is insanity . I don't care how true something is, these methods of spreading information are destructive and dangerous.

Truth needs to be found honestly. People have to come to their answers by searching for it themselves. This is why we need to quit preaching and just ask questions. Let them choose whether or not to answer. The last six years of my research into occult practices and global agendas within the Illuminati, and the issues surrounding 9-11, came from my own studies and investigations. I didn't even hear about Mr Jones until a few months ago. To some, that may seem impossible, given all the information I've researched and gathered. But my research had NOTHING to do with the internet. Instead of Googling everything, I contact authors and trace footnotes back to other references. This is my form of Google. If I want an expert demolition opinion....i contact a expert. I didn't and still don't own a computer. The only reason I'm on-line now, is because my new job allows me access to the net while I work. That's why I put up this page back in May...because every truth site out there was spoon-feeding info to the ignorant. This notion of people just taking answers from websites is absolutely insane.

Even I am guilty of this in some respect when it comes to the bulletins I post. It's easier to copy and paste articles off the web that confirm things I've already found out on my own, instead of taking the time to go back and find my original sources and references to post things. I've posted false and distorted information because of this, and since this is now the second time it's happened, I'm putting a stop to it. It's all going to change now.

The other problem in our movement is our behavior. I can't count the times I see people out there demonstrating and protesting on the streets acting so arrogant and aggressive towards those who don't know the truth, or those who are hiding it. No one wants to listen to a know-it-all. No one will take you seriously when you resort to a neanderthal-like mentality and start screaming and yelling at those who don't agree with you, or oppose you. Every time someone acts like that, the nay-sayers come along and use it to discredit us and label us as "conspiracy wackos who think they know everything and use it to make themselves seem better than everyone." No wonder the gov. wants to ban our war protests, we are acting like hostile idiots. Just watch that History Channel's new special about the 9-11 conspiracy and you will see what I am talking about.

Humility goes a long way. Just because you may know the truth, doesn't make you better than anyone or special in any way. You damn those in the government who act arrogant because of the information they are privy to, and yet you stand in the streets, privy to much of the same information, and act the same way. And many of you who are so sure of what you believe are blindly following your truth-leaders like the sheeple follow their leaders and trust them without question. This is hypocrisy , folks, and it's the very reason why we are being laughed at, hated, and discredited...and why this movement is taking so long to make a true change. If we don't change ourselves first, we can't expect anyone else to either.

I'm asking everyone today to take a stand for what you so earnestly believe in. If people aren't listening to you, look to yourself first to understand why. People listen to logic and reason, not lunatics and ranting. They listen to rational conversations not hostile and aggressive tactics. And more times than not, they will listen to a question before they will listen to an opinion or a spoon-fed fact. Please help encourage those around you to recognize this when you see them acting this way. And please don't defeat the purpose of this bulletin and be a know-it-all when you do. We have to be an example to those who are stuck in the confusion of lies. If we use the same hate and anger as those who oppose us, how will the rest of this blind society be able to differentiate one side from the other? Think before you speak and act. Your example could and will greatly affect those around you. What approach you use will determine whether you will draw people to the truth or lead them further away from it.